
понедељак, 28. новембар 2011.


                                                                     Andre Citroen
 Jos kao klinac sam zavoleo Citroenove automobile, to je bio razlog da saznzm vise o njihovom konstruktoru. Pomislio sam da ce interesovati jos nekoga.
Andre Citroen je covek koga smatraju  tvorcem masovne proizvodnje  automobila u Evropi. Karijeru pocinje odmah po zavrsetku politehnickog fakulteta. Prvi patent, zupcanik sa zubcima u obliku slova V omogucava veci obrtni moment i tisi rad. Dva ovakva polomljena zuba CITROEN upotrebljava kao svoj zastitni znak za automobile. Otvara svoju kompaniju pred pocetak prvog svetskog rata i radi sve vreme proizvodeci vozila za vojsku Francuske. Posle rata obilazi SAD studirajuci masovnu proizvodnju. Po uzoru na Forda pocinje sopstvenu proizvodnju automobila 1919te godine. Prvi model 10CV Torpedo bio je cabrio za 4tiri osobe jednostavne konstrukcije i lak za odrzavanje.
                                                                   Model 10CV

Prodavao se za neverovatnih 7.950 franaka i postigao veliku popularnost. Fabrika pocinje da radi u tri smene i dnevna proizvodnja je dostigla 500komada / danas se cini malo/ sto je visoka produktivnos u to vreme.
                                                                Model 5CV

Model 5CV postaje pravi narodni automobil sa zadnjim sedistem na otvaranje. Motor hladjen vodom od 856ccm i 8ks dostizao je najvecu brzinu od 60km/h.
Potraznja je prevazisla kapacitete Citroenove fabrike pa deo proiyvodnje obavlja u fabrici Klement Bajer. Ni to ne uspeva da pokrije potraznju tako da pocinje proizvodnja u Belikoj Britaniji, Italiji i Nemackoj. Opel je svoju popularnost postigao modelom Paubfros.Bio je to automobil kopija modela 5CV. Na pocetku proizvodnje 5CV  Citroen postaje i uspesan proizvodjac minijaturnih limenih modela. Reklamna kampanja zapocela je pod imenom -Mama Tata i Citroen- Andre je racunao na deciji uticaj u izboru   porodicnog auta ali i na neke decake koji ce za koju godinu postati kupci.
                                                                 Model  B12

Citroen B12 koji se poceo proizvoditi 1925 je prvi masovno proizveden automobil u EVROPI sa kompletnom metalnom karoserijom. Dvadesetih godina kompanija Citroen uspostavlja saradnju sa kompanijiom Miselin koji realizuje mnoge njegove patente, kao sto su gume niskog pritiska, ili naplaci od   punog lima, cvrsti i jeftini u proizvodnji.
                                                                       Mala Rozali

Citroen je vec godinama drzao znacajan deo trzista sa svojim jeffinim i pouzdanim automobilima. Zato dolazi na ideju da se oproba u auto trkama. Sa trkama pocinje 1923ce i nize pobede sve do 1931ve. U pocetku Citroen nastupa na manje znacajnim trkama, a onda u saradnji sa proizvodjacem maziva Jako oil zapocinje projekat mala Rozali. Model jednosed sa motorom 2500ccm  sa kojom vozac MARSAN OBARA 14 SVETCIH REKORDA, I ONU DEVETODNEVNU VOZNJU SA PROSECNOM BRZINOM OD 108 km/h.
Rozali dva pocinje sa trkom 1932 presavsi za pedeset i dva dana 100.000 km,  Rozali tri  sledece godine dobija nov motor od 1500ccm i za sto trideset tri dana presla je 300.00km prosecnom brzinom od 93.34 km/h usput oborivsi 296 REKORDA.  Obaranje sada vec sopstvenih rekorda nastavilo se do 1937me godine kada  je Rozali devet otisla u penziju zbog nedostatka novca.  Moram reci da je za Rozali 7 koriscena  karoserija i mehanika jednog od najznacajnijih Citroen modela koji ce ostati u proizvodnji sledecih 20tgodina.

                                                           Model 7CV -Trakson avan-

Trakson avan je predstavljen kupcima u Maju.1934. god, a proizvodnja je trajala u Engleskoj do 1955, a u Francuskoj do Jula 1957.  Imao je samonosecu karoseriju koja se u prednjem delu  zavrsavala nekom vrstom polusasije na koju se oslanjao motor preko gumenih blokova, jos jedan patent Citroen fabrike. Nasledio ga je model 11CV, a kasnije model 15CV
                                                                   Model 11CV

Model 15CV proizvodio se u tri duzine karoserije i razlocitim medjuosovinskim rastojanjem i sa cetiri oznake. ( 1. Lezer, 2. Normal 3. Familiar 4. komercijal ). Svi modeli su imali karoseriju sa cetvora vrata i bili su neverovatno udobni cak i za tadasnje pojmove. Oslanjanje je bilo preko torzijonih opruga i cinilo ga je jako stabilnim na putu, a fabrija je tvrdila da je to automobil koji nemoze da se prevrne.  Tokom vremena u njega su montirana cetri cetvorocilindricna motora razlicite kubikaze i snage i jedan motor sa sest cilindara linijski. Motor linijski sa sest cilindara se nije mnogo ugradjivo jer nije dobio neku popularnost, a model je nosio oznaku -15/6X-. Posle ovoga fabrika se opredeljuje i koristi samo prednji pogon koji ce koristiti na svim svojim modelima i onim najmanjim. Trakson avan bio je udoban porodicni automobil koji je ucestvovao i u mnogo filmova. Dobre vozne osobine uz malo prerade odvele su ga na sportske staze. Pobedjivao je na dosta reli takmicenja, a dobro se pokazao i na  cuvenom Monte Karlo takmicenju gde se dosta puta visoko plasirao. VEOMA JE CENJEN KOD KOLEKCIONARA IAKO JE PROIZVEDENO 750.000 PRIMERAKA. NA SMOTRI BEOGRADSKIH VETERANA IZAZIVA REDOVNO MNOGO SIMPATIJA CAK I KOD ONIH KOJI SE NERAZUMEJU U AUTOMOBILE
                                                                     Model 15CV
Already as a kid I loved Citroën cars, that was the reason that saznzm more of their constructor. I figured it would interest anyone else.
Andre Citroen was a man who is considered the creator of mass car production in Europe. His career began immediately after completion of the Polytechnic School. The first patent, Zubci gears with V-shape allows for greater torque and quieter operation. Two teeth broken this CITROEN used as its trademark for automobiles. Opens his own company before the start of World War II and for all time producing vehicles for the army of France. After the war, visiting the United States studying mass production. Following the example of Ford began producing his own car 1919te year. The first model 10CV Torpedo was the top person for 4tiri simple construction and easy maintenance.

Sold for a whopping 7,950 francs and has achieved great popularity. The factory began to work in three shifts and daily production has reached 500komada / day seems a little / as a high produktivnos at that time.

                                                                    Model 5CV
Model 5CV becomes a true people's car with the rear seat to open. Motor cooled by water from 856ccm and 8x reaching the top speed of 60km / h.
Demand exceeded the capacity of the Citroën factory and the factory performs proiyvodnje Clement Bayer. This too fails to cover the demand to start production in Belikoj Britain, Italy and Germany. Opel has achieved its popularity Paubfros.Bio model car is a replica of 5CV. At the beginning of production becomes 5CV Citroen and successful manufacturer of miniature metal models. The advertising campaign was started under the name of Dad and Mom-Citroen-Andre was counted to child welfare impact in the choice of family car and some boys who a few years will become buyers.
Citroen B12 which began manufacturing in 1925 was the first mass-produced car in Europe with a full metal bodywork. In twenty years, the company establishes cooperation with Citroen kompanijiom Miselin implemented many of its patents, such as low pressure tires, or wheels of solid steel, strong and cheap in production.
Citroen has for years kept a significant portion of the market with its jeffinim and reliable cars. So coming up with the idea to try to auto racing. With the race starts and lower 1923ce victory until 1931ve. Initially Citroen performance on less important races, and then in cooperation with manufacturers of lubricants oil starts very small project Pink. Model with single-engine with which the driver 2500ccm MARSAN OBAR 14 SVETCIH RECORD, the one nine-day ride with an average speed of 108 km / h.
Rosalie begins with two 1932 race crossed the fifty-two days, 100,000 miles, pink the next three years gets a new engine 1500ccm for one hundred and thirty three days, crossed the average speed of 300.00km 93.34 km / h along the way beating the 296 RECORD. Felling the now own records continued to 1937me Rozali, when nine retired due to lack of money. I must say that for Rozali 7 koriscena body mechanics, and one of the most Citroen models that will remain in production following 20tgodina.
Trakson mortar is presented to customers in Maju.1934. However, the production lasted until 1955 in England and in France until July 1957th He was self-supporting body that ended in front of some sort polusasije relied on by the engine through the rubber block, another patent Citroen factory. He was succeeded by the model 11CV, 15CV and later model
15CV model was made in three body lengths and razlocitim wheelbase and the four marks. (Lezer first, second third Familiar 4th Normal commercial). All models had four-door body style and they are incredibly comfortable, even for the then terms. Reliance was over torzijonih spring and it seemed it was very stable on the road, and Fabry is argued that this car will be unable to fall over. During the time it was fitted with four different four-cylinder engine and kubikaza power and an engine with six cylinders in-line. Motor-line six-cylinder is not much because he got ugradjivo some popularity, and the model is wearing a tag -15/6X-. After this factory chooses and uses only front wheel drive which will be used on all their models and those the least. Trakson mortar was comfortable family car that was involved in many films. Good driveability with little processing led him to the sport track. Winning is a lot of rallies, a good show and the famous Monte Carlo where the competition many times highly qualified. IT IS VERY respectable collectors IF MADE 750,000 copies. VETERANS OF THE REVIEW OF BELGRADE CAUSES REGULAR much sympathy, even among those NERAZUMEJU THAT IN CAR