
субота, 26. фебруар 2011.


1951. kompanija Toyota dobija   zadatak  da napravi terensko vozilo za americku vojsku, koja je bila u okupiranom Japanu. Prvi model je bio nosio oznaku Toyota Jeep BJ. 1953. prodaja modela BJ je 298 komada za vojsku i policiju. Posle toga su i ostale sluzbe postale zainteresovane za njega. 1954. Toyota mu daje novo ime, oznaku LAND KRUZER koji postaje legenda u svetu terenskih vozila. Polovinom 50-tih firma se probija i postaje najveca japanska kompanija. Predstavlja se model Crown, kao putnicka varijanta. Japansko ministarstvo industrije i trgovine, pokusava da prodre i na Americko trziste sa modelom Land Kruzer i napravi mesto za ostale Toyota modele u buducnosti. Toyota je sigurna dace sesa Land Kruzerom   probiti i ako je on mesavina Jeep Wilis i Land Rovera.   Land Kruzer je imao prednost sto mu je cena bila niza, sa boljim karakteristikama od ostalih proizvodjaca. Model koji je radjen za stanovnistvo imao je mekse opruge i udobnija sedista. 1957. americka vojska je testirala model FJ 20L i prosao je odlicno. To  je bio znak uvoznicima   da mogu poceti sa prodajom  na severu Amerike. 1960 - ta  pojavljuje se novi model Land Kruzer 40, po izgledu se nije monogo razlikovala od prethodnika, prvenstveno se radilo na opremi vozila i raznim verzijama na krovu i osovinskim razlikama ( duzi i kraci model 3-5 vrata). Od 1990 do 2000 je bilo vreme  velike popularnosti terenaca. Prvi dizel model je predstavljen 1967 i bio namenjen za SAD i Evropu. Serija  FJ 40 proizvodila se 24 godine.  Pored njega je radjena serija 50 za (SAD i Australiju) posle dolaze serije 60,70,80,90, model sa 100 je poslednji model Land Kruzera. Model 100 je vise u retro stilu, malo podseca na model 90. 1983 PRODAT JE MILIONITI PRIMERAK LAND CRUSER!  Od pocetka 80 - tih vise je bio u upotrebi kao terensko vozilo ali, 90 - tih to je vozilo u masovnoj upotrebi i kod nas i u svetu.

Motor 3,4 L benzinske
  3,9 L i6 benzinskim F
Međuosovinski razmak 2650 mm

2-vrata Softtop
2-vrata Hardtop
2-vrata pickup kamion
4-vrata karavan
Izgled FR izgled
Motora 3,9 L i6 benzinskim F
Međuosovinski razmak 2710 mm

1960–1984Karoserija2-vrata Softtop
2-vrata Hardtop
2-vrata pickup kamion
4-vrata karavan
Izgled motoru smeštenom napred, pogon na zadnjim tocka / pogon na četiri tocka
3,9 L F i6
4,2 L 2F i6
3,0 L B dizel
3,2 L 2B dizel
3,4 L 3B dizel
3,6 L H dizel
Međuosovinski razmak 2.286 mm
Dužina 3.840,5 mm
Širina 1.666,2 mm
Visina Softtop 1.950,7 mm
Hardtop 2.001,5 mm
Curb težina 1.480 kg
Hardtop 1.554 kg

1967–1980Karoserija4-vrata karavan
Motoru smešten napred, pogonom na četiri kotača
Motora (s) 3,9 L benzina
4,2 L i6 2F benzin
Prienos 3 ili 4-brzinskim ručnim (J30, H41 ili H42)
Međuosovinski razmak 2710 mm
Dužina 4673 mm
Širina 1710 mm
Visina 1864 mm

1980–1990Karoserija 4-vrata karavan
Motor smešten napred, pogonom na četiri tocka

 3,4 L  Dizel
3,4 L Turbo dizel
4,2 LPetrol
4,0 Benzin
4,0 L Diesel
4,0 L Turbo Diesel
Prenos 4-stepena ručni
4-stepena automatski
5-stepeni ručni H55F (USA)
Međuosovinski razmak 2730 mm
Dužina 4675 mm
Širina 1800 mm
Visina 1750 mm

Karoserija l 2-vrata pickup kamion
2-vrata softtop / hardtop / troopie
4-vrata van
Motor smešten napred, pogon na zadnjim tockovima / pogon na četiri tocka
2,4 L Benzinske
4,0 L Benzinske
4,5 L Benzinske
2,4 L Diesel
3,4 L Diesel
4,0 L Diesel
4,2 L 1 Dizel
2,4 L I4 2LTturbodizel
2,5 L VM HR588 TD I5 (Italija)
3,4 L Tturbodiesel
4,2 L HD turbodizel
4,5 L V8 turbodizel VD
Prijenos 5-stepeni ručni
Međuosovinski razmak 2980 mm
Dužina 4995 mm
Širina 1870 mm
Visina 2070 mm

Karoserija) 4-vrata SUV
Motor / pogon na četiri tocka
4,0 L Benzinskim sam
4,5 L Benzinske
4,2 L Dizela turbo
4,2 L Dizela
Prenos 4-stepeni automatski
5-stepeni ručni
Međuosovinski razmak
2.850 mm
4.780 mm (1990-1994)
4.820 mm (1995-1997)
1.830 mm (1990-1991)
1.930 mm (1992-1997)
1,785 mm  (1990-91)
1,860 mm (1992-94)
1,870 mm (1995-97) 
(2084 kg) (1990-1992)
(2159 kg) (1993-1997)


Karoserija 4-vrata SUV

4,5 L Benzin
4,2 L-1HD T Dizel turbo
4,2 L-1HD FTE Dizel turbo
4,2 L Dizel
4,7 L V8Z Benzin

5-stepeni ručni,
5-stepeni automatski
Međuosovinski razmak 2850 mm
Dužina 4890 mm
Širina 1941 mm
Visina 1849 mm
Težina 2.320 kg

Karoserija 4-vrata SUV
motor / pogon na četiri tocka
4,0 L V6 Benzin
5,7 L V8 Benzin
4,7 L V8  Benzin
4,5 L V8 Turbo Diesel
4,6 L V8 Benzin
6-stepeni automatski
5-stepeni automatski
5-stepeni ručni
Međuosovinski razmak 2850 mm
Dužina 4950 mm
Širina 1970 mm
Visina 1880 mm

1951st Toyota company gets the task to make off-road vehicle for the American army, which was occupied Japan. The first model was wearing a tag Toyota Jeep BJ. 1953rd BJ's sales of 298 units for the army and police. After that and other services have become interested in him. 1954th Toyota gives it a new name, designation Land Cruiser, which is becoming a legend in the world of SUVs. Mid 50's, the company is struggling to become Japan's largest companies. Represents the the Crown, as a passenger variant. Japanese Ministry of Industry and Trade, is trying to advance to the American market with the model Land Cruiser to make room for other Toyota models in the future. Toyota is sure will give Land Cruiser liable to break if it is a mixture of Wilis Jeep and Land Rover. Land Cruiser had the advantage that his price was lower, with better features than other manufacturers. The model was developed for the population had softer springs and more comfortable seats. 1957th The U.S. military has tested a model FJ 20L and passed the mint. It was a sign that the importers can begin selling in the North America. 1960 - this appears a new model Land Cruiser 40, its appearance is not monog differed from its predecessor, primarily to work on vehicles and equipment to various versions on the roof of the shaft differences (long and short door model 3-5). From 1990 to 2000 it was time for the popularity of SUVs. The first diesel model was introduced in 1967 and was intended for the U.S. and Europe. FJ series of 40 produced for 24 years. Next to him was done for the series 50 (U.S. and Australia) come after a series of 60,70,80,90, model 100 is the latest model Land Cruisers. Model 100 is a more retro style, slightly reminiscent of the 90th 1983 SOLD THE LAND millionth CRUSER! Since the beginning of 80 - those more was used as a utility vehicle but 90 - those that the vehicle is widely used both here and in the world.

Engine 3.4 L gas
3.9 L petrol i6 F Wheelbase 2650 mm

20 1955-1960 Body 2-door Softtop 2-door Hardtop 2-door pickup truck 4-door wagon Layout FR layout Engine 3.9 L I6 gasoline F Wheelbase 2710 mm

40 1960-1984 Karoserija2-door Softtop 2-door Hardtop 2-door pickup truck 4-door wagon The appearance of the engine located in front, rear-wheel drive / four-wheel drive Motor 3.9 L F i6 4.2 L I6 2F 3.0L diesel B 3.2 L diesel 2B 3.4 3B diesel H 3.6 L diesel Wheelbase 2286 mm Length 3840.5 mm Width 1666.2 mm Height Softtop 1950.7 mm Hardtop 2001.5 mm Curb weight 1480 kg Hardtop 1554 kg

 50 1967-1980 Karoserija4-door wagon The engine is placed forward, four-wheel drive Engine (s) 3.9 L gasoline 4.2 L I6 diesel 2F Prienos 3 or 4-speed manual (J30, H41 and H42) Wheelbase 2710 mm Length 4673 mm Width 1710 mm Height 1864 mm

60 1980-1990 Body 4-door wagon Motor situated forward, four-wheel drive Motor 3.4 Diesel 3.4 turbo diesel 4.2 LPetrol 4.0 Petrol 4.0 L Diesel 4.0 L Turbo Diesel Transmission 4-speed manual 4-speed automatic 5-speed manual H55F (USA) Wheelbase 2730 mm Length 4675 mm Width 1800 mm Height 1750 mm
 70 1984 - L Body 2-door pickup truck 2-door softtop / hardtop / troopie 4-door van Motor situated forward on the rear wheels drive / four-wheel drive Motor 2.4 L Petrol 4.0 L Petrol 4.5 L Petrol Diesel: 2.4 L Diesel 3.4 Diesel 4.0 L Diesel 4.2 L Diesel 1 Turbodiesel: 2.4 L I4 2LTturbodizel 2.5 L VM HR588 TD I5 (Italy) 3.4 Tturbodiesel 4.2 L turbodiesel HD 4.5 L V8 turbodiesel VD Transmission 5-speed manual Wheelbase 2980 mm Length 4995 mm Width 1870 mm Height 2070 mm
80 Body) 4-door SUV 1990-1997 Engine / four-wheel drive Motor 4.0 L petrol I 4.5 L Petrol 4.2 L turbo Diesel 4.2 L Diesel Transmission 4-speed automatic 5-speed manual Wheelbase 2850 mm Length 4780 mm (1990-1994) 4820 mm (1995-1997) Width 1830 mm (1990-1991) 1930 mm (1992-1997) Height 1.785 mm (1990-91) 1.860 mm (1992-94) 1.870 mm (1995-97) Weight (2084 kg) (1990-1992) (2159 kg) (1993-1997)

Body 4-door SUV
Motor 4.5 L Petrol 4.2-L Turbo Diesel 1HD T 4.2-L Turbo Diesel 1HD FTE 4.2 L Diesel 4.7 L Petrol V8Z Transmission 5-speed manual, 5-speed automatic Wheelbase 2850 mm Length 4890 mm Width 1941 mm Height 1849 mm Weight 2320 kg

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